Proverbs 6:8

Proverbs 6

…she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest.
Proverbs 6:8 ESV

This end of the sentence (beginning in verse 7) is talking about not being lazy. Let’s focus on the aspect of timing that is presented in the verse, though. There are many tasks as women, wives, and mothers that we will have. We must evaluate the timing and need of priorities in order to be our most effective in our homes. If our family loves music, we have to order our days to allow that exploration. If our family loves sports, that, too, must find its proper place and balance. If we value God, we must find the best time of our day to focus on Him.

Our prayer: Lead us into time of community with You and those who love you, so that as our hearts are in tune with Yours, we can impact others' lives for You.
Our prayer: Lead us into time of community with You and those who love you, so that as our hearts are in tune with Yours, we can impact others’ lives for You.

We want to be part of the harvest of the lives and relationships the Lord puts in our lives, especially our children. We want to see their growth in their talents and their strength in the Lord. However, there is something we must do in order to be a part of that harvest. We must first sow His word into our own lives, into our thinking, into our own priorities. Not just as a family devotional time, not just as teachable moments, but as a true preparation in our own hearts and lives to positively impact the lives of those around us. Are you preparing your own heart in order to gather in His harvest?

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Proverbs 6:8

Proverbs 6

…she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest.
Proverbs 6:8 ESV

This end of the sentence (beginning in verse 7) is talking about not being lazy. Let’s focus on the aspect of timing that is presented in the verse, though. There are many tasks as women, wives, and mothers that we will have. We must evaluate the timing and need of priorities in order to be our most effective in our homes. If our family loves music, we have to order our days to allow that exploration. If our family loves sports, that, too, must find its proper place and balance. If we value God, we must find the best time of our day to focus on Him.

Our prayer: Lead us into time of community with You and those who love you, so that as our hearts are in tune with Yours, we can impact others' lives for You.
Our prayer: Lead us into time of community with You and those who love you, so that as our hearts are in tune with Yours, we can impact others’ lives for You.

We want to be part of the harvest of the lives and relationships the Lord puts in our lives, especially our children. We want to see their growth in their talents and their strength in the Lord. However, there is something we must do in order to be a part of that harvest. We must first sow His word into our own lives, into our thinking, into our own priorities. Not just as a family devotional time, not just as teachable moments, but as a true preparation in our own hearts and lives to positively impact the lives of those around us. Are you preparing your own heart in order to gather in His harvest?

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