
Monthly Archives: April 2023


Good morning, Five Minute Families.  This morning, we are going to look back as directed by God.  Many times in Scripture God tells us to remember.  Remember His goodness in creation. Remember His goodness in your family. Remember His promises for mankind.  And the list can go on and on. Let us expand further into… Continue Reading


Good morning, Five Minute Families. Let’s talk about worship. Worship is not simply singing on a Sunday morning. Worship isn’t just listening to the gospel station throughout the week. Worship isn’t merely an act or ceremony of reverence. Worship does not only involve songs or singing. We worship in every choice we make. We worship… Continue Reading


Good morning, Five Minute Families! Christians around the world just celebrated Easter. What a roller coaster of a week Jesus had leading up to His crucifixion and resurrection. That week began with the Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem. The quickest synopsis we can give is that Jesus brings peace between God and man. Since entering a… Continue Reading

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