
Monthly Archives: February 2021


TRANSCRIPT: Good morning, Five Minute Families. As the weather warmed a little, we had the opportunity this past weekend to work on a couple of projects that we have been putting off. I must admit, I have been disappointed most of the winter that these projects were on hold. I was reminded every time I… Continue Reading

Family Disagreements

TRANSCRIPT: Good morning, Five Minute Families! It is wonderful to join you on this cold, cold morning. We have all spent much of the past year inside with way too much family time. Wait? Did we really just say too much family time? Well, ok, let’s adjust that. Maybe there is not technically too much… Continue Reading

Love Your Neighbor

TRANSCRIPT: Good morning, Five Minute Families. We hope you and yours have stayed safe in this blast of snowy weather so much of the US has experienced this past week. Valentine’s Day is coming up! Who has plans for a special dinner, a nice piece of jewelry, a lovingly handcrafted item, or an extraordinary adventure?… Continue Reading

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