Your shopping can help to support families...
Kroger Community Rewards:
Please consider supporting Intentional Intimacy International by signing your Kroger card up with Community Rewards. Our organization ID is #91906. Once linked, you simply use your Kroger card as you always have, and you do not have to do anything else for an entire year (Kroger requires re-enrollment each year). Thanks for your support!
Amazon Smile:
With each online purchase at AmazonSmile, Amazon donates .5% of your purchase prices to us. All you do is shop at instead of the direct AmazonSmile will walk you through choosing which organization you are supporting for that particular shopping cart (you can switch organizations with different purchases if you desire). Please click here to start shopping! Thank you!
Giving Assistant:
Giving Assistant shoppers earn cash back and can then donate a percentage of that cash back to organizations like us! Thank you for choosing Clear View Retreat (Intentional Intimacy International) if you use Giving Assistant for your online shopping!