
Monthly Archives: May 2021

Stop. Start. Continue.

Good morning, Five Minute Families! This past weekend we hosted a marriage retreat here at Clear View Retreat. Marriage retreats are so restful and rejuvenating. Why does a family camp ministry such as ours spend time hosting marriage retreats? Because a strong, godly marriage is the foundation of a strong, godly family just as we… Continue Reading

Routine or Rut

Good morning, Five Minute Families. Did you know that every year May 18th is celebrated as the national No Dirty Dishes Day? Apparently, according, to ‘time and date dot com,’ it is “a day you could celebrate by either not washing any dirty dishes or by washing all the dishes you can!” Some families we… Continue Reading

Cultivating Grit – Characteristics

TRANSCRIPT: Good morning, Five Minute Families. This week we are finishing our series “Cultivating Grit.” We have discussed necessary elements of grit with how to ‘welcome no’ instead of fighting against it and with how to ‘work through disappointments’ by reframing those experiences. Those two elements alone will help your children and yourselves to deal… Continue Reading

Work Through Disappointments

TRANSCRIPT: Good morning, Five Minute Families. It’s a new month and yet another chance to begin making changes that will impact your family for generations to come. Every day choices become lifetime legacies, and so we encourage you to continue to cultivate grit in yourself and your family for the sake of God’s work in… Continue Reading

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