
Monthly Archives: October 2021


TRANSCRIPT: Good morning, Five Minute Families. This morning’s devotion is focused on the husband and wife of the family, and we will be speaking around certain words to remain kid friendly, but the concept discussed is not for kids, so please note that you may want to listen to this next five minutes privately if… Continue Reading

Love – Storge

Good morning, Five Minute Families. Today we continue our love series studying the Greek words used or indicated in the Bible; those four are agape, phileo, storge, and eros. We have discussed agape – God’s unconditional love – and phileo – brotherly love. Many people will try to compare and rank the types of love.… Continue Reading

Love – Phileo

Good morning, Five Minute Families. Have you ever taken a moment to evaluate the depth and commitment of your friendships? What about the people you are around each week? Examining your relationships to those around you and ultimately how you relate to Jesus is what we encourage at Clear View Retreat as we minister to… Continue Reading

Love – Agape

Good morning, Five Minute Families. Many years ago, Kim and I had the opportunity to listen to a Bible study about the loves of the Bible, no not marriages of the Bible, though we are working through preparing a study on those. We were studying the different original Greek words that were translated into the… Continue Reading

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