Why $13/month and Volunteer Staff Update for 2021

WHY $13/month? The co-founders’ infant son Jedidiah had trisomy-13, a genetic mutation that caused him to die 17 hours and 41 minutes after his birth. To honor all that the Lord has done in the ministry of CVR through what we learned about Him through Jedidiah’s short life, we suggest $13/month.


Volunteer Staff Update for 2021

At the end of 2020, our “lumberjack” Rex, who had gone from high school volun-told to as-often-as-possible volunteer to intern to onsite groundskeeper, made a job change that took him away from CVR. Jim and Josh have picked up the mowing duties but nobody keeps CVR looking like Rex did. Though 2020 was a terrible year medically for us all and, as such, we did not see him as often as we would have liked, we all miss Rex!
As homeland missionaries who continue to work full-time and volunteer with CVR as close to full-time as actual time and family needs allow, we have to adjust the ministry needs based on job scheduling. While we would love to be in ministry full-time, the Lord has not brought that as a possibility, so we opt for schedules that will maximize our time here at CVR and with CVR events. Jim faced a cancer scare this year, and after surgery, we found out that thankfully, it was not cancer! We all had COVID, so we were down for the count for about three weeks, and it took another three weeks or so to stop feeling quite so fatigued, as many of you can relate to. Our family got to visit with extended family often this year, so the blessings of reunions were sweet! Kim has begun a counseling certification program (can you please pray for time and attentiveness for that to be completed?). Our boys have been deeply blessed to have other children onsite this late fall/winter to spend time with on a consistent basis. We love being so close to CVR, but being so far from neighbors can be hard on our social butterflies. That’s about the fastest we can condense this year. There are missing parts, but God has been in the midst of it all, and we praise Him for all He has done.

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Why $13/month and Volunteer Staff Update for 2021

WHY $13/month? The co-founders’ infant son Jedidiah had trisomy-13, a genetic mutation that caused him to die 17 hours and 41 minutes after his birth. To honor all that the Lord has done in the ministry of CVR through what we learned about Him through Jedidiah’s short life, we suggest $13/month.


Volunteer Staff Update for 2021

At the end of 2020, our “lumberjack” Rex, who had gone from high school volun-told to as-often-as-possible volunteer to intern to onsite groundskeeper, made a job change that took him away from CVR. Jim and Josh have picked up the mowing duties but nobody keeps CVR looking like Rex did. Though 2020 was a terrible year medically for us all and, as such, we did not see him as often as we would have liked, we all miss Rex!
As homeland missionaries who continue to work full-time and volunteer with CVR as close to full-time as actual time and family needs allow, we have to adjust the ministry needs based on job scheduling. While we would love to be in ministry full-time, the Lord has not brought that as a possibility, so we opt for schedules that will maximize our time here at CVR and with CVR events. Jim faced a cancer scare this year, and after surgery, we found out that thankfully, it was not cancer! We all had COVID, so we were down for the count for about three weeks, and it took another three weeks or so to stop feeling quite so fatigued, as many of you can relate to. Our family got to visit with extended family often this year, so the blessings of reunions were sweet! Kim has begun a counseling certification program (can you please pray for time and attentiveness for that to be completed?). Our boys have been deeply blessed to have other children onsite this late fall/winter to spend time with on a consistent basis. We love being so close to CVR, but being so far from neighbors can be hard on our social butterflies. That’s about the fastest we can condense this year. There are missing parts, but God has been in the midst of it all, and we praise Him for all He has done.

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