Five Minute Family – Family Camp Session #4
TRANSCRIPT: Good morning, Five Minute Families! It is so wonderful to hear what God is doing through families who choose to put Him foremost in their lives through this five minutes of radio. We would love to hear from you, too! Please comment on our blog at or drop us a comment on our facebook page for Clear View Retreat.
As the hustle and bustle of our previous lives … oh, so slowly returns, wise families have taken time to reflect on what they really want to allow back in. But, hey, let’s be honest. We are all gonna be like kids in a candy-store. We will try to do “all the things we couldn’t do.” Some of those things can and should be added back in – visits with loved ones and work, which IS essential to us all. Some of those events and outings will be exciting. But, remember to be careful of the distractions. We will begin again to spend time with missed friends and organize playdates, but we should not forget the peace and calm that came from the Great Pause. Take your time to choose activities that will truly continue to enhance your family’s identity in Christ.
And that brings us to our main topic for today. For the past four weeks, we have tried to give you an overview of what we do out here at a Clear View Retreat Weekend Family Camp with those who choose to step away from the commotion of everyday life, disconnecting from all the distractions to reconnect with one another in meaningful and lasting ways. Hopefully, you have followed along with us as we explored the family identity, assessing that identity in light of God’s Truth, and adjusting those perspectives to better match God’s plan and purpose. Now, we would like to encourage our Five Minute Family listeners to take the time to chat with your family about what new things God is revealing to each of them.
Read together. Colossians 3:14, “And above all these put on love, which binds everything together in perfect harmony.” and Romans 12:10, “Love one another deeply as brothers and sisters. Outdo one another in showing honor.”
Take a moment after reading and ask how those verses apply to your family?
Jesus told stories, and he used those stories to guide his message. We use individual identifiers to label those stories… the Samaritan, the Son, the servant… wait. We actually call those stories something else, don’t we? They are the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, the Faithful Servant. Those describing words mean a lot. They convey to the world a message about this person. As a family, look at some adjectives, in this case, actually, they are core values, but see what your family is being called to focus on. This qualifier you choose could be something you are hoping to work on as a family, or it could be something from the past that binds you in a unique way.
We will have a chart with over three dozen words online at the blog that you can check out, and here are five different categories of adjectives you could use:
- You can choose a simple descriptive word which describes or classifies your family in an objective and nonjudgmental way. Words here such as trustworthy, forgiving, or honest
- Your family might want a demonstrative word; one that serves as conclusive evidence of something that matters to you. One example is hopeful because of the difficult events you have survived together as a family. Another word would be mission-minded.
- Maybe as a family you want a possessive descriptor denoting ownership of each other no matter what happens… a word such as united or committed would work best for you.
- Some families challenge one another often bringing up interrogative-type words. Words such as inquisitive, curious, or even teachable.
- The final category you might want to explore is distributive. In law, this term refers to being concerned with the way in which things are shared between people. Fitting words would be friendly, ethical, disciplined, or united.
If we said we are ‘the baseball family,’ we are still ‘the baseball family,’ but now, through our assessing and adjusting, we would say that we are the ‘God-honoring baseball family.’ ‘The academic family’ becomes the ‘the grace-filled academic family.’ And so on. Remember that we are not just adding a God-component to who we are, but we must know who we are in Christ and how God is allowing our family to live out His standard through the uniqueness that He created in our family.
Thanks for joining us this morning, and we pray you have a wonderful rest of your week. God bless!
~Originally aired on WECO 95.5 fm/940 am Tues, May 12, 2020~
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