Proverbs 27:6

Proverbs 27

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.
Proverbs 27:6 ESV

Our prayer: As we are hurt, please help us to discern the truth in the pain.
Our prayer: As we are hurt, please help us to discern the truth in the pain.

As women who long for relationship. Sometimes, we are fooled by those women who seem to care for us but really only care for themselves. Likewise, we are all guilty of shutting someone out who told us the truth that we just didn’t want to hear.
We need to be careful about who we shut out and who we let in. When the enemy attacks, the pain and suffering is nothing like the clean wound from the friend. These enemies distract us from real purpose and goals, and their damage is felt throughout our families and even our communities.

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Proverbs 27:6

Proverbs 27

Faithful are the wounds of a friend; profuse are the kisses of an enemy.
Proverbs 27:6 ESV

Our prayer: As we are hurt, please help us to discern the truth in the pain.
Our prayer: As we are hurt, please help us to discern the truth in the pain.

As women who long for relationship. Sometimes, we are fooled by those women who seem to care for us but really only care for themselves. Likewise, we are all guilty of shutting someone out who told us the truth that we just didn’t want to hear.
We need to be careful about who we shut out and who we let in. When the enemy attacks, the pain and suffering is nothing like the clean wound from the friend. These enemies distract us from real purpose and goals, and their damage is felt throughout our families and even our communities.

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