Proverbs 18:9
Proverbs 18
He also who is slack in his work is brother to him who destroys.
Proverbs 18:9 NASB

I love to read. I enjoy watching home improvement shows. I need down time. We all do. However, with social media, books on our phones, and endless show viewing options, we can become ‘slack’ instead of ‘recharging’ incredibly quickly. This isn’t a new phenomenon. Through the ages, we have found ways to avoid the things we ought to do. Think of these two scenarios…
An old neighbor returns to visit the neighborhood, and you see her outside just looking around. The house is a mess. The kids have had snow days, and you have been working 10-12 hour days. You welcome her in with a hug, a smile, and an offer for fresh coffee. “Pardon the mess.” No extensive apologies, no embarrassment. Your home has been lived in, but you know that you have been giving it your all and you have nothing to be ashamed of. You share a wonderful visit, with plans to get together again next month (time, date, and place set).
You just returned the second book in the series to the library. Hurrying home with the third, you dash into the store just up the road from your house to grab an easy-to-fix dinner. You run into an old friend. You feel a tugging on your heart to invite her over; from what she has said, you know she needs your listening ear. You would willing delay the book, and the kids and hubby would even understand about dinner being late, again, but you are so embarrassed by your home. You have been slack in the last few days (weeks, perhaps?) in getting done what needs to be done, what you know you have had time for, if you had not been lazy. You let the reconnection moment slip away with a vague “Let’s get together sometime soon” comment, feeling inside that you just missed out on something big.
Ladies, let’s not let our laziness be what destroys our relationships. Let’s have relaxing, recharging down time but remember to assess our needs versus our wants.
From the night of the 18th: “I just hit a wrong button and lost all I had typed… I will post something tomorrow or this weekend. Sleep calls.” Nope, wasn’t being lazy that day, but there certainly are ones in which I am guilty of not doing what I ought to do and doing instead what I desire to do.
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