Proverbs 16:7
Proverbs 16
When a man’s ways please the Lord, he makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.
Proverbs 16:7 ESV

Many of us are people-pleasers. We desire to keep peace and to make those around us happy. Often, however, we do not take into account that many of our behaviors are not God-pleasing. In parenthood, we buy the long-desired questionable video game to be a “cool” parent. In marriage, we agree to watch a show that promotes sinfulness in order to spend extra time with our husband. In society, we sit idly by as others gossip about someone so that we don’t stand out or not fit in. Whatever the situation, when we do not actively seek to follow in Christ’s footsteps, we are choosing a more difficult way.
Think of the time you sat with a group of women who were gossiping about someone. Now remember that one woman who spoke up and suggested that the subject be changed or, even more pointedly, that she felt that the gossip needed to stop. I bet you can still picture her, even if you don’t know her name. That is the woman you know will have your back when the group turns on you. That is the woman you know will keep the secret she knows about you from back before you were walking with the Lord. That is the woman you would confide in, even if you didn’t really even like her. She has integrity. Her ways are pleasing to the Lord and thus we gravitate to her Christ-likeness.
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