Proverbs 21:19
Proverbs 21
It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.
Proverbs 21:19 ESV
fret·ful /fretfəl/adjective
feeling or expressing distress or irritation. as “the baby was crying with a fretful whimper”
Or, in our cases, “the mama was stewing with a fretful sigh”
Ah, how often do we pat ourselves on the backs for not being quarrelsome with our husbands but we have forgotten the “and fretful” part. I know I am guilty. So often, it seems that things only get done the way I have been asking when I start yelling or start fretting (and yes, they are two different things). When I get fretful, I am not pleasant to be around. I start to even not like myself! I am sure our husbands would gladly head out to the desert with all its known dangers than stay in the house with us when we enter into a quarrelsome or fretful season.
We need to remember that our families look to us to help set the tone of calm and hopefulness in our homes. God created us women to have the option and the power to make a home joyful or fretful. Let’s deal with our edgy and agitated tones, not just point them out in others. Let’s stop the fidgety, antsy behavior around the house. Let’s continue to learn to do the best we can while training the children to learn how to do the best they can while we encourage our husbands to keep giving the best they can without coming home to a miserable, unsettled household.
Don’t misread me; I am not saying always be happy and do everything perfectly. We must strive for excellence not perfection. Perfection will kill us and those in relationship with us. However, we should examine what irritates us seeing what we can change and what we can’t, and love. Always love.
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